The different types of investment vehicles are subject to regulation in the jurisdiction in which they are provided. Each type has its own risks and rewards. Deciding which vehicles fit particular portfolios depends on the investor's knowledge of the market, skills in financial investing, risk tolerance, financial goals, and current financial standing. We have added Investment Vehicles to the Wealth Management platform so that you can more easily track the Investment Vehicles your clients invest in.
Under the Financial App, quickly see a list of all your Approved Investment Vehicles and important columns that help you decide if you'll offer that vehicle to your clients.
Select an Investment Vehicle to view and manage the important details.
Creating New Investment Vehicles
The main way to create Investment Vehicles is to go to Elements Financial App > Investment Vehicle> New.
From here, you enter the requested and required information about the Investment Vehicles.
What's in Investment Vehicles?
- Summary
- Investment Vehicle Name
- Investment Vehicle Status
- Valuation Date
- Market Value
- Fund Name
- Investment Vehicle AUM
- Fund Strategy
- Investment Manager
- Seed/Internal Commitment
- Share Type/Class
- Type
- Investment Terms
- Investment Period/Fund term
- Liquidity Term
- Liquidity Notes
- Committed Capital
- Contributed Capital
- Distributions
- Activities
- Allocation Information
- Total Invested AUM
- Initial Contribution
- Inv. Manager Liquidity Notice
- Fees
- Management Fees
- Performance Fees
- Carried Interest?
- Claw Back?
- Performance Hurdle
- Investment Process
- Description
- Investment Committee?
- Performance
- Net YTD
- Net 1Y
- Net 3Y
- Net 5Y
- Net 10Y
- Net Inception
- Gross YTD ()
- Gross 1Y
- Gross 3Y
- Gross 5Y
- Gross 10Y
- Gross Inception
- Benchmark YTD
- Benchmark 1Y
- Benchmark 3Y
- Benchmark 5Y
- Benchmark 10Y
- Benchmark Inception
Within Investment Vehicles is an Asset Allocation tab. Here you can reference the allocation of assets by class and target ranges. This helps track the Investment Vehicles that are associated with each Asset Allocation as well as memorializing when vehicles were added to a model portfolio and the date they were removed.
Note: To view Asset Allocations in a holistic view, click the App Launcher and search and select Asset Allocations.
This will open a tab to manage all Asset Allocations including creating new or importing Asset Allocations.
Notes & Files